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Under control in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+8Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: in checkin restraintSimilar words: controlout of controlcontrol groupbeyond controlcontroversycontroversialon the contraryunderMeaning: adv. unable to act freely. 
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(61) He found himself struggling with the wheel, fighting to keep the vehicle under control.
(62) With the establishment of strong dynasties, civil wars and baronial insurrections were quelled or kept under control.
(63) Analgesia is usually given regularly to ensure that pain is kept under control at all times.
(64) It took them three hours to bring it under control.
(65) Serious fires in one wing and the engineering workshops had been brought under control, said Mr Lewis.
(66) All he was trying to do, he says, was bring her under control.
(67) If kept under control by regular mechanical cleaning of excess algae, they are often a positive addition to the tank.
(68) But he kept his anger under control and vowed to knuckle down and fight for a first-team future.
(69) Most alpine strawberry varieties don't produce runners, a bane for gardeners who want to keep their berry patch under control.
(70) Inflation will be brought under control by the emerging recession.
(71) At least 128 firefighters were ordered in to battle the fire, which they had under control within an hour.
(72) Caroline took the chance to draw some calming deep breaths, get her scattered emotions under control.
(73) The immediate effect was a sharp rise in prices, but inflation then came under control.
(74) He tried as hard as he could-without success-to get the thing under control.
(75) Twenty-seven people were arrested when the police finally got the camp back under control in the early evening.
(76) But at least they were kept under control by several large gentlemen from the security company.
(77) No one need be apprehensive about their personal safety; everything is under control.
(78) He had taken no precautions during their love-making but she had assured him that she had that under control.
(79) Here we have a dangerous situation of a kite flailing on one line, possibly towards onlookers and certainly not under control.
(80) In particular, it brought the demolition of most historic buildings in conservation areas under control.
(81) Anyone can operate a snowmobile, but it takes some guidance to keep them under control.
(82) Some 8,000 troops, firemen and police attempted to bring the fire under control.
(83) She was here to do a job, and doing her job properly entailed keeping her personal feelings strictly under control.
(84) For more than four hours they battled to bring the blaze under control and stop dangerous fumes spreading across Cheshire.
(85) The fire was brought under control[ ], preventing further destruction in a neighbouring classroom.
(86) It took a long time to bring the fire under control, the local pubs kept open for three days and nights.
(87) You and your horse need to be capable of jumping solid fences safely and under control.
(88) In the same way, when running for a shot, try to keep your centre of gravity under control.
(89) It took firemen wearing breathing apparatus nearly two hours to bring the blaze under control.
(90) Alberto usually expressed his appreciation for their interest and declared that he had everything under control.
More similar words: controlout of controlcontrol groupbeyond controlcontroversycontroversialon the contraryunderunder wayfounderundergocome underfall underundermineundertakeunderstandunderlyingcontrastcontractundergraduatecontributecontributorcontractorby contrastcontrast tocontributioncontribute tocontretempsto the contrarypercolate
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